Recycling Center
Recycling Center
Location, Hours & Contact Details
The City of Bryan Recycling Center is located at 1200 Buffalo Rd., next to the Bryan Community Center. Starting July 1, 2022, Republic Services will begin collection of recycling and trash. The Bryan Recycling Center will only be accepting grass, yard waste and leaves. Any other items dumped at the Recycling Center could result in fines.
WiltonKeck will also be taking any additional recyclables from residents. Items must be placed inside the bins located by WiltonKeck, 807 East Maple Street. Entrance is from Toy Street. If the bins are full, please drop off during business hours (6:30 AM – 2:30 PM Monday-Friday). The following will be accepted: cardboard, newspaper, magazines, office paper/shredder paper. There will be recycling trailers set up throughout Williams County for any other recycling needs. Please see the location information here. For more information, please see the announcement here, along with the ordinance.

Schedule & Accepted Items
Republic Services will begin collection of recycling the week of July 1, 2022. This map details the bi–weekly recycling pick-up dates.
Buffalo Road will only accept the following beginning July 1, 2022:
- Grass
- Yard Waste
- Leaves